Because you asked for it. Â Smell the quality of a day of work.
7DRL 2015: The Acronyming
Is it me or does every group activity on the internet have an impenetrable acronym?  Well, 7DRL is the International 7-Day Roguelike Challenge for 2015.  Day one and I’ve got a rando warrior ambling around slaying bears…  despite the ridiculously beautiful Seattle weekend peeking in through the study window. (guh)
The old-school sprite art was purchased for a very reasonable $35 from Oryx…  Granted, his popularity means I am using the same damn art as something like 40-50 games on Steam right now.  If you’ve frequented Steam sales, you’ve seen this guy a lot lately…
Luckily Unity can help me set apart the experience a little visually, including a trick learned from folks at Unite 2014.  I also picked up a small dungeon generator library at a recent Asset Store sale, but the coding style is so different from the way I like to work, I’m not sure any of it’s going to get used…  Such is the way of buying script plugins.
The goal of Huge is to create an experience I’ve toyed with over the years, which is to have a large, unbeatable creature wandering the dungeon, until the player manages to collect the means to defeat him.  We’ll see if I can get something big and not derpy…  Ideally you should fear its approach.  I’ll try to keep info posted here and in my 7DRL entry.
Unity Escalation
It’s been a while since I’ve last updated, and in the interim I’ve toyed with a number of different game mechanics, from vehicle combat to a simple artillery system, all of which have helped me slowly get back into programming.  C# is definitely less hardcore than what I dealt with 10 years ago, but paired with all the Unity features it puts me right at the level of complexity I’m after…  I can gloss over noodley trivialities like building dynamic lists or parsing input files and get right to gameplay.
But developing in Unity can have something of a…  “momentum” to it, and despite my vow make small finishable stuff, recently I’ve kept putting time into a single project.  I wanted to keep things ugly so as to not limit my ability to create gameplay, but thanks to that damn asset store and a few bucks it was just so easy to get some assets and start to make things looking pretty good.  On the upside, having better art inspired me fictionally and prodded me to do a bit more worldbuilding.  While I do still need to get some fundamental gameplay hooked up and purge the few remaining test sprites that I don’t own, it’s coming along all right in the meantime:
Dungeonmans has shipped!
Hey, did I mention that my buddy Jim Shepard has finally finished his epic, Dungeonmans, and it is fully purchasable on Steam?
He’s done such an amazing job…  I spent a few weeks helping out a little on traps when I was awaiting a move to San Francisco back in 2010, and it was the very thing that made me realize how much I had missed game coding.  I can’t lay any claim at all to the final product because probably 1% of the code I wrote back then made it into the final product, but it was a meaningful moment to me nonetheless.
Back in November, Jim and his long-distance contributors/friends decided to gather in Seattle for a week-long push to get Dungeonmans that much closer to the finish line.  I put in a day or two (as a designer this time) and helped create a couple of “master dungeons”, and it was amazing to see how much the game had improved over time.

The coolest part was having an honest-to-god game studio, Adventurepro, in my basement for a week!  These are amazing guys, each with years and years of grizzled veteranmancy (a word I just crafted now) behind them…  They deserve every new success.
1GAM March: Tower Defense Card Game
With my terrible computer issues, I decided to change my 1GAM plans for March into a card game while my machine…  reformats, re-activates the reactor core, vents smoke, whatever the heck it needs.
I’ve been toying with the idea of a Tower Defense card game based on Defense Grid for a while now. Â I can’t really release anything “official” since it’s not a Hidden Path project, but here’s a peek:
If for some sick reason you like spreadsheets as much as I do, click below:

1GAM February: Incomplete
So unfortunately I’m going to have to chalk up one in the “fail” column for my February ‪#‎1GAM‬, which was to be titled “Enter the Catrix”… I had until this evening to get it submitted, but after over a week of computer problems (complete drive failure) along with some Unity quirks that waylaid me, I’ve decided that despite a last drive for completion I am not comfortable releasing this thing.  It just wouldn’t be something I want people laying hands on at this point.
It’s a shame really… It took some effort to turn a couple of cats into the animated characters, and then casting them in this point-and-click combat system. The idea was for the player to choose between slower free movement on the floor and speedy movement from “perches” as he maneuvered the ninja to the right angle for slaying the robot cats.
The original concept for this thing was simple… Â Make a fast, mobile combat experience with some flavor similar to what we created in X-Men Legends… Â dashes, knockbacks, walls getting destroyed… Â Of course I knew what I could get done in a month would be rough, and I’d be at the mercy of the animations I created, but I still thought I could capture some of the mobility I was after.
One of the core ideas was the idea that the map was filled with “perches”… Â These were ninja-style balance points that the cat could hop on crane-style and move quickly from point to point, hopping down for a quick fight. Â This provided the possibility that the player could dash to these points for a quick maneuver around the back of an opponent, but these points were not always available, requiring the player to hop down and run around instead.
My choice of perspective was one of my first problems… Â I needed objects with height to be perches, and yet I wanted some really fast horizontal movement when on the ground. Â For an easy point-n-click interface it was okay, but making things look tall and having them easy to hop onto was a bit of a pain that could probably have been solved with time, but was non-ideal since it forced me to move the camera more to a 45-degree angle rather than using a simple top-down perspective that worked with my 2D-animated characters. Â I got the characters to orient properly to the camera, but I didn’t manage to get the collision and controls to quite feel like they were going exactly where the player wanted them to.
In a more practical sense, I also wanted to use a modern or future city, or perhaps an industrial complex, merely because of my use of “robot cats” as enemies.  (I didn’t want to create a game about my cats actually killing each other, as you might imagine).  However, I didn’t manage to get a lot out of the Unity store, so I was working with a lamp post, mailbox and a fire hydrant as perches and not much else…  Not a great method of immersing the player.  Briefly I just littered the world with Iron Monkey-style poles and assumed it would just be a natural part of the world, but tall objects failed pretty hard.
I would have loved to consider this point-n-click method for iPads and touch devices, although I did use a right-click mechanic for throwing shurikens. Â However, I needed to make those more important for specific situations, so that melee, maneuvering and projectiles all had a part in the combat tactics.
Anyway, I don’t think this particular experiment is just a dead end, but I’ll need some time to re-explore it. Â With only a month to create the whole thing, I didn’t create the robust animation state machine that I really wanted, nor the proper input and physics… Â the push to finish resulted in more prototype-y things which can fall apart easily. Â I hope to work on it later and get some more crisp systems that I can leverage into games at a future date.
January Complete: Battle Row is live on 1GAM
1GAM January: Weekend 4 Update
Considering I’m supposed to be doing these games rough-n-ready, I probably shouldn’t taken advantage of how far along I was and just taken an easy pace… Â It would be hard to keep this up for a whole year. Â My worktime is still cobbled together from a beefy weekend day and some late evenings, but some playability and quality elements still bug me.
Click on the pic to see where I’m at —->
Most importantly, I added in an enemy helicopter with some rough AI. Â This was a necessity not only to bring the threat directly to the player, but also to make antiair units and bunker capture meaningful.
In addition, I revised most of the sound effects with better ones culled from Â Before this I was using some other 100% free sounds that I didn’t need to credit, but they were terribly edited and seemed to be 8-bit recordings culled from 1950’s movies. Â That is, I swear one explosion was what you hear when Wile E. Coyote blows himself up. Â To use these new sounds I’ll have to add a credits page to my website, but it was worth the somewhat improved quality (although I’m hardly a sound designer).
I also added the concept of repairing your helicopter and replenishing bombs, since they are very powerful weapons in the game.
Just a few days left, and all I’ll do from here on out is add a score tally and some stats displays to the Win and Loss Screen. Â I’ll probably also revise the title screen to provide directions and a bit of flavor. Â Then it’s on to next month… Â Looking forward to it.